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Woods Health Supplements - Affordable Quality Since 1981

Weight Loss

Need a little help in controlling your weight or in losing a few pounds? Our all natural supplements offer that extra bit of help that can make a real difference to you achieving your goal weight and staying there.
  • Eating for a Healthy Gut

    We tend not to think about the health of our gut until it gives us problems and makes us feel unwell or uncomfortable. However, our gut is vital for our general health and we should make caring for it a priority, especially our digestion. Afterall, the main function of digestion is to break down the foods we eat and utilise the nutrients for energy, growth, repair and immunity – all very important factors in our overall health.

    There are a variety of factors that can contribute to poor digestion, from stress to smoking, however today we are going to focus on eating habits for a healthy gut.

    Eating a balanced diet with plenty of fruit, vegetables and water in conjunction with regular exercise can help to maintain good digestion. Here are some top tips to keep your gut healthy when it comes to your eating habits.

    • Chew your food well
    • Eat slowly with smaller mouthfuls of food
    • Try not to eat in a rush or when stressed
    • Avoid drinking large amounts whilst eating
    • Eat a variety of fresh foods – take advantage of seasonal produce for variety
    • Eat at least 5-6 portions of different fruit and vegetables (approx. 80g of fresh fruit or vegetables is considered a portion)
    • Avoid excess caffeine and alcohol
    • Drink 1 ½ - 2 litres of water per day
    • Eat at least 25g of fiber a day
    • Avoid ready meals and processed foods that contain artificial additives

    With your gut health being responsible for so many key elements of our health, including up to 90% of your immune functions, skin health, weight control and even mood and sleep, it’s no wonder why many scientists refer to the digestive system as ‘the second brain’ due to its overall importance in keeping you healthy and functioning properly.

  • The Wonders of Weight Loss

    Everyone knows that weight loss has numerous health benefits, but what many forget is also the numerous lifestyle benefits that also come with losing weight. It may also surprise many that only a little weight loss can have significant benefits – it’s not all about losing hundreds of pounds or being a perfect size 10. Small positive changes count.

    Losing weight for many can seem very daunting as they look at the big picture e.g. ‘I need to lose 50lbs to be my ideal weight’. However, the good news is you don’t have to lose hundreds of pounds to enjoy the physical benefits of weight loss. Studies show that just a 5% to 10% decrease in your weight can positively affect your health. It is believed that 10lbs of weight loss can take up to 40lbs of pressure off your knees! Other health benefits may include: -

    • Decreased joint pain
    • Decreased risk of certain cancers
    • Decreased risk of / less medication for diabetes
    • Decreased risk of heart disease & stroke
    • Decreased risk / improvement in symptoms of osteoarthritis
    • Lower blood pressure

    In addition to the health benefits, you may also experience numerous lifestyle improvements if you lose weight. These improvements may include: -

    • Better sleep & less snoring so better sleep for your partner also!
    • Reduced stress levels
    • Improved energy levels & mood
    • Better body confidence, often leading to an improved sex life

    To help you start and succeed in your journey to a healthier you, here are our 5 key tips to success: -

    1. Set goals - This can help you remain focused and break down the journey into smaller milestones to help keep you motivated. Set small goals and reward yourself when they are achieved. If you have 50lbs to lose – break this down in to 5lbs steps (remember losing 5% of your total weight has health benefits)

    2. Exercise - Exercise has numerous benefits, one of which is assisting with weight loss. You don’t have to rush out to join a gym, simply increase your current state of activity as best as you can. Every little helps!

    3. Plan your food as best as possible - Planning helps you stay on track and keeps you focused when grocery shopping, meaning you are less likely to buy items you don’t need and also less likely to make poor meal choices. Planning can include eating out plans, home cooked meals with the family and even special occasions.  In line with point four below, it also means you can get creative with your meals and possibly even try new dishes and ingredients.

    4. Use seasonal ingredients - As stated above, this will not only help you get more creative with your meal planning, it may also encourage you to try new foods and recipes – both great for motivation and longer-term success. Another benefit is whilst you lose weight, your bank account may increase in pounds as seasonal produce is often cheaper!

    5. Don’t stress over bad days or the occasional treat - We all have social occasions or times when we simply want good old fish and chips from the takeaway! Yes, there are always healthier alternatives to our favourite naughty dishes and that is always an option but, let’s be honest, they aren’t the same and sometimes we just want the stodge – that is totally fine as long as it isn’t often. Enjoy your treat and go back on plan. One cheeky takeaway doesn’t ruin the rest of your day, one bad day doesn’t ruin a week.

    We wish you all the best to a healthier you!

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