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Woods Health Supplements - Affordable Quality Since 1981

Pet Care

A comprehensive range of effective products to help increase your pet's vitality and improve general well being. We have carefully combined natural ingredients in our unique formulations that provide the nutrients necessary for your cat or dog's optimum health.
  • Pet Care

    Just like us humans, sometimes our furry best friends need a little extra help getting the right amount of nutrition to keep them as healthy as they can be throughout the seasons.

    So, how can supplements help our best friends?  As is the same with us, we should strive to give our pets a balanced diet from which they get all the nutrients they need. However, as we know, this isn’t always possible and therefore a little supplementation can help in many of the same ways it can help us.

    • Healthier skin & coat
    • Strengthened immune system
    • Reduce pain & inflammation
    • Increase energy
    • Reduce anxiety
    • Digestion

    Supplements can be especially useful for older pets who may experience energy loss, mobility stiffness and pain, and a weaker immune system due to aging. In addition to the above, a vitamin supplement can benefit your pet's heart, liver, kidneys, eyes, and even immune system, helping to promote overall well-being for your senior pet.

    For most of us, our pets are family and seeing them in pain or not living their best life makes us hurt too.  If you think your pet needs a little extra help to keep that tail wagging or that purr purring, speak with your vet and see how supplements may help.

  • Does Glucosamine Work For Dogs and Cats?

    Glucosamine is referred to by many different names: glucosamine sulphate, glucosamine sulfate, N-acetyl glucosamine, glucosamine hydrochloride and chitosamine. It is produced naturally in the bodies of mammals and it can be produced synthetically using natural ingredients.
    So, does glucosamine work for dogs and cats? The answer is, yes. There will always be exceptions to the rule but, for the most part this anti-inflammatory works in humans, dog, cats and horses. Perhaps the questions shouldn’t be does glucosamine work for dogs? Rather how does glucosamine work?

    Every mammal is born with a spongy material in their joints called cartilage. As a natural part of aging that squishy material starts to break down in joints that are used frequently during the normal course of living. In humans it seems to start in the hands and in animals, especially dogs, it starts in the knees and slowly moves to the hips. In the grand scheme of things it’s a bit like your hair turning gray as you age. Except when your hair turns gray it doesn’t hurt. Arthritis, the breakdown of this spongy material, can cause the bones that are near each other to rub and that friction can be very painful.
    Giving glucosamine to your pet at the first sign of arthritis can not only prevent pain but, prevent damage to the bones in question. Because of the friction between the bones; swelling of the joints may appear only compounding the problem. Glucosamine reduces the swelling too.

    Many concerned pet owners ask what they should look for if they think their dog or cat is suffering from arthritis. You know your pet better than anyone; so when things start to change or seem a little different that is when you need to contact your vet. Don’t give any dietary supplements unless directed by your veterinarian. The vet will give your pet the quick once over and take some X-rays and then it can be determined if your animal can benefit from supplemental treatment.

    Glucosamine works from the inside out. Your pet may also gain comfort from the outside in. Warming beds are available from most online pet retailers. The warmth eases the pain and helps the animal relax. Canine massage and injections are available as alternative treatments.

    Does glucosamine work for dogs and cats? Yes, it does. Follow your vet’s instructions and get the best dietary supplements available. Stay away from the blends as they may not be as effective as the pure medication.

    Your pet is an important part of your family and seeing them in pain makes you hurt too. Give them the very best diet supplements available. Pure glucosamine sulphate given in proper doses can work wonders.

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