After we have all enjoyed ourselves over the summer holidays, often overindulging in food, drink, sun exposure and experiencing travel stress, it’s time to focus on giving our health and wellbeing a little TLC.
Once our routines return to normal, many of us like to go on a mini health kick for a few months before our next indulgence over the Christmas period. Here are a few key things you can do to kick start your autumn detox.
- Have a clear out! Check the cupboards for any hidden left-over snacks or goodies that may be lingering from the holidays.
- Drink water to flush out excess waste and toxins, and to give your skin a boost after all that sun exposure. Try to drink 1.5 – 2 litres per day.
- Be organised. As our routines tend to settle down again after the holidays, start to plan your healthy meals and exercise routine.
- Eat a healthy breakfast every morning. One of the few things all healthy eating plans 100% agree on is the importance of breakfast. This can set you up for the day and prevent over-eating / bad food choices later on in the day.
- Incorporate antioxidant foods into your meals. Our sun exposure is usually higher during the summer holidays, which increases the production of free radicals and the risk of aging.
- Move! Try and do a little exercise every day and make it a regular part of your routine. Autumn is a beautiful month to get out and about.
- Try to have your main meal at lunch time and keep your dinner time meal light.
- Get a decent night’s sleep! Aim for at least 7 hours sleep a night.
- Take a look at what supplements could help – this time of year it’s all about boosting your immune system to prepare for the colder months ahead and the seasonal nasties that come with it.
- Pamper yourself! Take some time just for yourself – be it some quiet time to read a good book, take a long bath or even enjoy a nice massage or facial to rehydrate your skin and detoxify.